Prometheus goes open access
In 2019, Prometheus changed publishers from Taylor & Francis to Pluto Journals and began to distribute papers through JSTOR from January 2020. JSTOR (standing for Journal Storage) is a not-for-profit organisation providing internet access to a wide range of academic journals.
Our current and upcoming issues, as well as recent back issues (from 2014), can be accessed for free on the Science Open and JSTOR websites. Free access to ALL Prometheus back issues (from 1983) is available on the Prometheus website (
The journal’s publisher, Pluto Journals, successfully flipped its complete portfolio of 21 titles to open access from 2021. The project, Pluto Open Journals, was realised in partnership with Knowledge Unlatched, and supported by Libraria, the conceivers of the subscribe-to-open (S2O) model. Libraria is a group of anthropologists and other social scientists developing and expanding open access. Pluto Journals has asked libraries and institutions currently subscribing to its journals to renew for 2021 on the S2O basis, thus contributing to making these journals completely free to readers everywhere.